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December 7 1941 

Our nation has come under attack, the Japanese have launched a surprise attack on our pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor. Little do the Japanese know, they have awoken a sleeping giant. A Japanese attack on American home soil will live in infamy, we will conquer this battle and take vengeance for the men, women and children who lost their lives upon this tragic attack. 


From the damage reports, 8 battleships were destroyed with 4 sunk, 3 cruisers damaged as well as 3 destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship and a minelayer with 188 aircraft destroyed. Thankfully, our carriers were out on naval exercises away from Pearl. A declaration of war was imminent as I have urged Congress to do so. On the bright side of this attack, we are able to join Britain, France and the Soviet Union in their fight against the Germans. Once our ships are repaired, and they join the carriers in the Pacific, we must deal a decisive blow against the Japanese to gain the upper hand. 


May 9 1942 

The Japanese made an attempt to cut off our lifeline with Australia after bombing Darwin. With countless victories in South Asia, we were losing our foothold in control of Asia. Although losing the USS Lexington, we were able to halt the Japanese juggernaut in gaining control of most of the pacific and the continent of Asia. 


June 8 1942 

From the cracked Japanese code, their aim was to take the Midway Islands, an atoll far enough from Hawaii to be considered a threat. The Yorktown, which was previously damaged during the Battle of the Coral Sea, had been repaired in a record two days at Pearl Harbour, before regrouping with the rest of the carrier fleet. Task forces 16 and 17 managed to sink 4 Japanese carriers, witling down their strength in the Pacific, and gaining the upper hand in air and sea superiority. 


April 10 1945 

Wars in Europe and the Pacific rage on, admiral Chester Nimitz and general Douglas Macarthur have finished the island hopping campaign but at a loss of 12,000 navy personnel and marines. But their deaths will not be in vain, the Marianas Islands provide a perfect airbase for American strategic bombers. And the Japanese mainland will feel the wrath of our bombers and will pay for the countless lives both civilian and military lost on that fateful day in December 1941. Just like the Doolittle raid 3 years prior. 

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