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Born in 1882 into a family of democrats and elected into the New York Senate in 1910, 

Previously motivated by Theodore Roosevelt, who encouraged young men again and again 


Became assistant secretary for the United States Navy and a supporter of the army and navy 

Unaware of the hurdles, hardships and challenges that face he 


But during a vacation to Campobello Island in Canada 

Franklin became almost completely paralyzed, and lost the ability to walk, but pressed on with great stamina 


Elected in 1932 at the height of the Great Depression, delivering a great inaugural speech 

When the economy was poor and had no chance of recovery, money was out of reach 



Addressed the nation, boosted morale, and instilled unshakable confidence 

Introduced the "New Deal", a process of trial and error, that helped the economy and struggling populous 


At the outbreak of World War 2, FDR supplied Britain and the Soviets with arms 

Stalin and Churchill leading the fight against Nazi Germany as brothers in arms 


Negotiations of trade with the Japanese failed and an attack was planned 

A devastating Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour Navy base that the US could not withstand 


A sleeping giant had been awoken, war time production for arms, artillery, aircraft and tanks were kick started 

The working class of the United States, to soldiers they had been converted 


Countless victories and defeats in Europe and the Pacific brought Nazi Germany to its knees 

And after the dropping the A-bombs on Japan, the world was now in peace 


Roosevelt would not live to see these achievements, passing away at 63 

Being remembered as a great president, indeed a notable was he 

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